(A Tribute to Amazing Women on International Women’s Month)
“There’s something special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take ‘no’ for an answer.”
Rihanna, Musical Artist
We imagine firefighters running like mad, rushing through clouds of smoke with the deafening scream of sirens in the background toward the blazing inferno building up at a distance. Armed with heavy equipment on their backs, a hammer or axe, and rolls and rolls of hose, they hunker and crawl their way around a burning house. We usually picture them as heavily-muscled males, but as we’ve learned over the years, women can do anything a man can do.
Meet Fire Officer Adriane Nina Aralar-Vinculado. STEFTI alumna (Batch ‘11), firefighter, woman.

Iconic Twist of Fate
After graduating from high school, Adriane pursued one of her lifelong dreams which is to build a career in the medical field, so she enrolled at Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Medical Foundation (RTRMF) and earned a degree in Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology in 2015. The following year, with God’s grace and guidance she passed the board exams. She started working as a professional medical technologist at the Divine Word Hospital and that lasted for 3 wonderful years.
With my classmates and friends During research class in College Break during class hours Graduation, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, RTRMF 2015
By some twist of fate, she found herself at a crossroad and took on an entirely different path. She made a bold decision to apply for a position at the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
“I knew back then that I was taking a paradigm shift in my career. Shoving myself into a male world is just as unimaginable as plunging into deep dark waters while not knowing how to swim. However, I had a strong conviction that I can thrive in this world because I am a STEFTI Theresian.“
Happy times in school Highschool Graduation with my best gals Highschool Graduation with our Class Advisers,
Sir Loloy and Ma’am Dada Pastor
“My first training ground was in STEFTI,” Adriane continues. “Life there was not only about achieving academic excellence but it was also developing my personal growth. STEFTI has taught me how to recognize my strengths and weaknesses and how I could continually develop myself to reach my full potential. Our teachers made us realize that we can be who we want to be as long as we work hard and pray for it. The school, the teachers and the administration always believed in the potential of all the students and they never made us feel inadequate. It is definitely where the heart and mind grow best.“
Challenges as a Firefighter
Firefighting is mostly associated with men as it is a profession that demands a lot of physical strength. Women fighters are subjected to the same training that their male counterparts undergo. For this alumna, this is one challenge she had to face head-on.
“Having experienced and trained at level with my male co-trainees, I can say that the difference in physical strength is probably the most challenging part of the field. From wearing fire safety gears and self-contained breathing apparatus to maneuvering fire hose with heavy water pressure during fire incidents — much strength and stamina are required. It is challenging but it is never impossible to excel in the same field. Furthermore, I never take “NO” for an answer in the most challenging of situations.
Becoming the person that the vulnerable community can entrust their safety with — and them knowing that I am someone who is committed to serve and protect them — outshines any monetary value I receive regularly.
General Office Attire of BFP The only Female Battalion Staff out of 190 BFP recruits Full Delta Uniform of BFP Wearing Full PPE with SCBA during trainings
“Ultimately, the most rewarding feeling is when I get to save someone’s life and properties and to serve those who are in need. Getting respected for what I do is what I consider as the most compelling aspect in this job.”
Dream Date with an Inspiring Woman
When asked who among the women who inspired her she would choose to have dinner with, she gave this poignant answer:
“I would offer all I have to spend dinner with my Mama who is now in Daddy God’s garden. She is definitely an inspiration since I followed her tracks as a medical technologist and now, as a firefighter. Ever since, she had always showed courage even at her weakest. She and Papa had supported me all throughout my journey from the beginning until now in my married life. She never lost faith in God even when she was suffering. Mama will always remain as my number 1 inspiration.”

Message to STEFTI Juanas
“This is our opportunity to show our own strength and to help recognize women as active contributors to national development. Women can be and can do anything as long as we set our heart and mind to it. We can be powerful. Together with all the women in the bureau, I proudly say, I am a powerful woman!”
Bureau of Fire Protection
Provincial Office of Northern Leyte