In Memoriam: Dr. Daciano V. Palami, Jr STEFTI School President
“A man’s worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own.”
– Lisa Rogers
Everything that he did for STEFTI and its employees beggar description, and looking for the right words to say about his impact is overwhelming. But today, we try.
On the occasion of Father’s Day (well, more like Father’s Week), we give honor to the man we consider our father in STEFTI — Dr. Daciano V. Palami, Jr., our school president whom we fondly call Mano Boy.
He may have left us a year ago, but Mano Boy‘s memory continues to live on. He was an ordinary man forged with love to become the person that we remember him to be: a storyteller, a composer, a writer, a doctor, a teacher, a life coach, a father.
Emerge shares with you a few words of tribute from some of the people whose lives he deeply impacted:
Mano Boy inspired me how to walk in my faith. As a leader of the CFC (Cornerstone Faith Community), he pushed and encouraged me to grow in my Catholic faith by using my talent in the service of the community. I have developed selflessness in terms of serving others.
He was a man of God. His wisdom was priceless. That’s why I looked up to him as a leader in school because his leadership ripples excellence. He followed God’s will in every decision he made for the school.
Charity, Upper Primary Department
Mano Boy will always be a special father figure to me. He was warm, gentle, and had a great sense of humor. He had a way with words, a way that touches your heart and make you a special person in his eyes. I still have a written copy of one of his works, a tribute he wrote for the parents of the Grade 6 Graduates back in 2008. It is a dedication to hard working parents and how their love made their children grow successful and grateful. At the same time, I too feel the same way as what Mano Boy wrote in that tribute. I will not be who I am today without the love and guidance of Mano Boy.
Nadia, Junior High School Department
Mano Boy was a loving, caring and smart person. He was my idol when it comes to writing. But he was also a strict and freehearted administrator and father to all STEFTI employees. One time I received an invitation from STEFTI. I was to attend the General Assembly of the STEFTI contributors. I did not show up. So the next day, he summoned me to his office and asked me the reason for my non-attendance. I said my piece I thought he’d buy but as straightforward as he was, he told me that it was a flimsy excuse. The following year, I made sure to present in the meeting! 😊
Mano Boy, Happy Father’s Day in heaven! Thank you for the trust, confidence and love that you have shown me. I will always be grateful to you. You have a great influence on me. I miss and I love you, Mano Boy.
Joseph, Education Specialist for Basic Education
I consider Mano Boy as the bringer of good news. Whenever he was called upon to speak in front of us, we always knew something good was sure to come. He never chastised us, but when he did, he knew how to use the right words to move us to be proactive rather than reactive.
Thank you for the beautiful memories you shared with us through the STEFTI Admin.
🎉🥳 We miss you Mano Boy. Happy Father’s Day in heaven!🙏❤️
Aime, Junior High School Department
Mano Boy, Happy Father’s Day in heaven!
I truly am lucky to be a part of the STEFTI Family because I was able to enjoy his fatherly love. Now, more than ever, we truly miss his guidance, brilliance, love, and care. Praying that he will always continue to extend to us his guidance though he is there in heaven already.
Loving and missing you, Mano Boy.
Shine, Junior High School Department
Happy Father’s Day, Mano Boy in heaven!
All the work he put into raising his STEFTI family and pampering us is instrumental in forming the kind of community we are in now. His love remains and creates a better bond within this second family of ours.
So, thank you, Mano Boy, from the bottom of my heart.
Shyl, Pre-Primary Department
I have known Uncle Boy for almost all my life. I used to call him Uncle Dan when I was a little girl, but actually, to me he was like a father in a different dimension. Why? Because whenever I had problems, whether big or small, cool or complicated, he would always lend an ear or two to listen and give his much sought after advice.
He was behind the fulfilment of my “unthinkable dream” to have Mari undergo an open-heart surgery. I shared to him my plan of making a write-up about her case, praying for people to help us in our fight by bombarding the heavens with our prayers and knocking at the hearts of the people we asked help from. Of course, knowing how great of a writer he was, the letter truly touched many people. So thank you, Uncle Boy, for somehow being like a father and grandfather to my girls. Wherever Mari’s dreams bring us, you are a part of it.
Thank you for the love and support that you have unselfishly extended to us. We love you for a lifetime.
Leah, Lower Primary Department
Mano Boy is truly a gem of a person and definitely a great and humble leader.
I was one of those who would ask Mano Boy, our President, to write a song, a prayer, a script for our programs, edit testimonies etc… and he never failed to grant all my requests. (In short, nakasugo ako hit amon President 😘😅)
I simply want to say, “Thank you for all your help, Mano Boy!“
Tettet, Upper Primary Department
Mano Boy has been a father to all of us STEFTI employees. Personally, I experienced how helpful and generous Mano Boy was to my family. He helped us in so many ways. His words of wisdom and encouragement will remain in my heart. Forever, I will be grateful to him.
Rose, Lower Primary Department
I remember my first encounter with Mano Boy. I was so nervous that time considering that I’d be facing the boss of the school but something unexpected happened. He corrected me saying, “Do not call me Sir, address me as Mano Boy…do not treat us as your bosses, we are a family here.” And from that moment, I felt that I belonged and I am secured. In that experience alone, Mano Boy taught me something important- the value of family.
He wasn’t our boss, he was our friend and our Tatay in STEFTI. His absence continues to leave a feeling of emptiness in my heart.
Erickson, Senior High School Department
Meanwhile, here’s a short video tribute by the teachers, for Mano Boy whose lives touched many, and whose memories will remain inside our hearts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PkeqKALPbEiBYq-BNRGyaEitISs8J1_z/view