by: Alana Baltazar & Danielle Ricote
The Herald Chronicles
The STEFTI Senior High Supreme Student Council (SHSSC) spearheaded the school’s first voters’ education webinar entitled, Aghat, Pukrat, Buhat: Voters’ Education and Civic Consciousness with invited speakers from Rappler and the University of the Philippines Visayas -Tacloban College (UPVTC) last Friday, February 18, 2022.
The webinar commenced with an opening prayer led by Danielle Chynna Añover. Thereafter, SHSSC Auditor, Ciana Maraya delivered the Opening Remarks.
Ms. Ladylyn Lim Mangada, Associate Professor in Political Science at the UPVTC , shared to the students the importance of suffrage including the current electoral systems that make up this country today. Ms. Ladylyn is a research fellow from the UP Resilience Institute. She is also a recipient of several International Publication Awards and One UP Professorial Chair for Research and Publication.

Meanwhile, Mr. Julliano Fernando Guiang, journalist and Head of Community at Rappler, centered his discussion on the power of youth vote and how voters should set standards in selecting their future leaders. As Head of Community, Mr. Jules manages the affairs of MovePH, Rappler’s civic engagement arm. He graduated with a degree in BA Public Administration from UP Diliman in 2014 and he earned his master’s degree in Public Administration, also at the UP National College of Public Administration and Governance, in 2021.

Evie Aguirre and the STEFTI Dance Company (SDC) showcased their God-given talents during the intermission numbers set throughout the webinar.
The event was concluded with the awarding of certificates to the resource speakers by the SHSSC President, Danielle Anne Ricote, and followed by the closing remarks given by the school’s SHS Guidance Counselor, Ms. Kaye Uribe.
Aghat, Pukrat, Buhat is a non-partisan webinar that advocates on voters’ education elaborating on the ability of the youth to actively show interest in selecting the next leaders of the country in the upcoming 2022 national and local elections.
Associate professor in Political Science from the University of the Philippines – Visayas, enlightened the students on the importance of suffrage including the current electoral systems that make up this country today. Ms. Ladylyn is a research fellow from the UP Resilience Institute. She is a also a recipient of several International Publication Awards and One UP Professorial Chair for Research and Publication.