Worried about taking the First Quarterly Exams online?
Here are some helpful tips we share to you in going through the process hassle-free:
Before the Online Exam: Prepare!
- Read and understand the test guidelines. Be sure you can answer these questions:
- Will the test take place at a specific date and time, or can you take the exam at any point during a particular schedule?
- How much time will you have to complete the test?
- Are there any other important, “need to know” factors specified by the teacher?
- Know the test format. What kinds of questions will the instructor use on the exam—multiple-choice, fill-in, short answer, essay? Take note of the test types your teacher used in the Review Exercises published as an assessment at Schoology, as this may be the same type of test they’d give in the Quarterly Test.
- Test yourself. Make use of the Review Exercises available to you, take it! You may also find practice tests uploaded by your teacher the previous week.
- Check your computer. Avoid last-minute problems! Charge all gadgets beforehand. Also, make sure you’ll be in a location with an adequate Internet location.
- Carve out a quiet test-taking spot with minimal distractions. Turn off all notifications from Messenger, your phone, your email, and elsewhere (or, set them to silent). Let your family members know that you’ll be taking a test, so that they’re less likely to interrupt you during that time.
- Determine when you will take the test. You may have to take the exam at a specific time; however, if the test will be available for several hours (or even a few days), choose a time that presents the least potential for distraction, interruption, and stress.
- Gather all that you’ll need to take the test. If you can have materials such as notes, books, or writing implements with you, be sure that they’re set to go.
- Take a deep breath! Once you’re logged in, take a moment to relax and get focused.
During the Online Exam: Focus

- Keep an eye on the clock. You may want to set an alarm to notify you when you have limited time (e.g., 10 minutes) remaining in your testing period.
- Technical problems? Don’t panic. But do contact your teacher immediately, detailing the exact problem that occurred and any error messages you might have received. If you can take a screenshot, that is helpful as well.
- Check your work before you submit it. Ensure that every answer is complete and appears as you intended. Review the accuracy of your answers, as well as your spelling and grammar.
- Click submit. You should only need to do so once, but if you have a problem, try once more. If you still have a problem submitting the test, let your teacher know immediately, and send your intended answers in an attached document.
After the Online Exam: Review

- Assess your own progress. Did you skip anything? Go back to the items and check if you answered them correctly.
- Check your grade. In some cases, you may be able to learn your grade immediately. However, exams with written answers will take longer for your instructor to grade, so allow some time to find out your score.
- Remember that you are much more than your results, but it’s always good to ask yourself how you can improve on the next exam. Did your study strategies work? Write down your observations and keep them in mind for the next time you take a test. (Watkins and Corry, 183-185)
Reference: https://blog.cengage.com/tips-taking-online-exams/