STEFTI Grade VI – Class Valedictorian
Batch 2005
STEFTI taught me to maximize my potential. When no one else believed in me, I had to believe in myself, and when I didn’t believe in myself then I had to rely on the goodness others see in me. So no matter how challenging the path I take, I believe that I am there for a reason and I can bloom wherever I am planted.
From a tiny little seed, Loren has blossomed both in her career and her personal life. Like any ordinary struggling student, many times she doubted herself. But every time she faltered, she was backed up by a very strong support system: her family and friends who believed in her capabilities and that prodded her to do things she never imagined doing. She consistently made use of her God-given talents that were instrumental in making her the person she has become at present: a medical doctor and the Guest Speaker during the 2023 Junior High School Completion Ceremony.

A Budding Multi-talented Grader
I believe I was adaptable as an elementary student, dealing well with the transitions of activities from home to school and the diverse personalities of the people I came across.
Early on, she developed an interest in Science, though it wasn’t her favorite subject. She found Music rather more engaging and fun. She had such an endearing and angelic voice (to this day, actually) that she became a member of the STEFTI Children’s Choir. At a young age, she had envisioned herself to be a promising singer, miraculously passing every audition she ventured in.
She takes pride to this day for having been the soloist of the children’s choir during the prestigious National Music Competition for Young Artists (NAMCYA). Likewise, during the Press Conferences, she bagged several gold medals for the school and the Eastern Visayas.
She looks back and thanks her teachers in STEFTI for providing her with opportunities to be trained and honed as a singer and writer. They gave her an unequalled space to explore her brewing potentials at a young age.
She doesn’t take all the credit for the awards she received back in her elementary years. For her, it was the fruit of concerted efforts of her family and teachers who were always passionate about teaching. During graduation, she was awarded as the Model Student of the Year. She recalled beaming with pride how much she marveled at the achievement she received after getting the much-coveted perpetual trophy, a symbol of academic excellence, perseverance, hard work and patience.
Blooming on in High School
Her elementary portfolio opened windows of opportunities for her. In high school, she was able to metamorphose from an adaptable student to becoming a sociable and empathetic student leader.
Communicating myself to others eloquently was one of my best attributes being harnessed by STEFTI. I was able to continue participating in press conferences and was given the chance to host major school events and even run for student government.
Music has since been etched in my heart hence, I continued participating in choral competitions and in drum and bugle corps and, tried learning different instruments.
As a high school student, Loren captivated the hearts of both students and teachers. She excelled in academics, she hosts in programs, she joins press conferences, she practically got recognized in whatever stint she participated in.
Blossoming in the Medical Field
I am presently a second-year Resident Doctor specializing in Pediatrics at Divine Word Hospital. I have always aspired to become a doctor, not just of its title and of the white coat but, of the virtues it upholds like compassion, courage, and intellectual honesty. I am really grateful for being an instrument of hope and healing to the sick, most especially to the Filipino children.
The obstacles that she hurdled and the achievements she received at med school she offers all to Daddy God. Moreover, she is thankful, too, for the excellent foundation in her education and the values she has imbibed in STEFTI.

One of the most compelling aspects she found in this school was the nurturing nature of the teachers and the Christian values they uphold. According to Loren, STEFTI touched not only the lives of the students, but their families, too. For those who’d like to follow in her footsteps, she has these to share:
Love what you do so that it does not become a burden.
If you can’t really love it, then pray harder and be with the right people so that it becomes less of a burden.