Rydelle Eugene A. Apostol, Marie Noelle F. Castillo and Rachelle Mae S. Falculan, Grade 12 students, joined the Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) Conference 2023 held at the Ambassador Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand last May 27-30. Anchoring on the…
Our high school student writers once again romped ahead garnering 13 gold medals in the Division Schools Press Conference to win the Over-all Championship Award representing DLC 6 during the awarding ceremony held at the Leyte National High School yesterday.…
Indeed, the STEFTI Brave heart of Jarvie Golpe shouts “NO” to defeat. After failing to gain a niche for the EVRAA, he ventured on to face more challenging competitors in Manila during the 2023 National New Face Taekwondo Championship last…
With Covid restrictions lifted, we welcomed Jesus in His triumphant entry to our own “Jerusalems” on Palm Sunday, April 2nd. As we head into the Easter Triduum, we anticipate larger crowds flocking to our churches to participate in the ceremonies…
In Memoriam: Dr. Daciano V. Palami, Jr STEFTI School President “A man’s worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows…
He had always been an inquisitive student. He loved asking questions and had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He liked challenges — as early as the 1st Grade, he would emcee during school programs which nurtured his public speaking skills…
On a typical day inside his STEFTI classroom, Marvin Pacuri was the unassuming, lanky boy seated at the back row ready to pounce on a Trigonometry question from his Math teacher. He had always been his classmates’ go-to guy for…
No one expected him to enter the priesthood. He was a studious pupil sure, used to getting straight A’s in Science and Math exams, but people close to him know him more as the class comedian, the carefree boy often…
To the person who shaped us into the people we are today, the person who built our second home, and, most importantly, the person we all look up to. 👩🏻💼 She is non other than Mrs. Sonia C. Palami, famously…
Xerxes Alain Hibanada, fondly called Zirk by his classmates, started his schooling as a toddler at The Learning Place. He was an adorable tiny tot whose piercing bawls bounced from wall to wall every time his aunt left him by…