For 60 years, Camp Marina has become a second home to our Visayas Girls in Green. It truly honed another version of our girls, a version that’s meant to effect positive change towards a more confident, empathetic, healthiHER, violence-free, and gender-equal world.
- GSP Visayas Region
Excitement once again brewed up among our 12 STEFTI Theresian Girl Scouts as they prepared to head for the Capitol Hills in Cebu City to join the Visayas regional encampment on the occasion of the Camp Marina 60th Anniversary Camp last April 6 – 10, 2024.
For 60 years, Camp Marina has been fostering leadership and excellence with GSP, that it can be considered a “home away from home” campsite. For many girl scouts, camping there and mingling with other scouts is quite an experience worth learning from. One gets to enjoy the challenge of the rigorous yet fun activities and lessons to engage in.
Our girl scouts, who went with the entire Leyte Council Delegation were accompanied by Scout Leaders Ms. Jill P. Redrendo and Ms. Rica Jean R. Estinar.
To catch a glimpse of the activities and the contests and awards they won, here are some snapshots they took during the duration of the encampment.
Most Punctual
Most Active
Most Disciplined
Most Number of Functional Gadgets
Best in Camp Gate
Cleanest Camp
Most Number of Functional Gadgets
1. Best in Arts and Crafts – Athena Marie Guiuan, Meghan Raine Alfaro
2. Best in Handcraft – Athena Marie Guiuan, Lady Athena Devolgado
3. Adventure Games (Fastest to finish the obstacle relay) – Athena Marie Guiuan, Maria Cassandra Rochar
1. Best in Primitive Cooking – Maria Carmina Rochar, Cearel Granali, Mary Faye Bulaqui
2. Top 5 in Scavenger Hunt – Cearel Granali, Trinity Bless Loteyro
Highlighting the ceremony was the rendition of the camp theme song “Camp Marina: Go On, Grow On” by the Leyte Council Delegation. They were honored to sing this song as this was composed by our own STEFTI Cadet GS Mishael Lois Sevilla, in a Song Writing Competition held earlier. According to the GSP Newsletter, their heartfelt rendition of the song captured the essence of scouting rooted in the transformative ideals of equality, inclusivity, mutual respect, sustainability, harmony, and optimism for the future.

Senior GS Maria Camella Ruth Z. Rochar, Senior GS Maria Carmina Z. Rochar, Junior GS Maria Cassandra Z. Rochar,
Senior GS Trinity Bless E. Loteyro, Senior GS Francis Anne N. Maraya, Senior GS Mary Faye S. Bulaqui, Senior GS Cearel D. Granali, Junior GS Athena Marie J. Guiuan, Junior GS Meghan Raine S. Alfaro, Junior GS Lakshmi T. Maniwang , Junior GS Samantha Kate E. Regis, Junior GS Lady Athena L. Devolgado.